Barefoot Trainer's Ashiatsu

The Best & The Most Affordable Ashiatsu Training - NCBTMB & NYS Approved Provider #993


Barefoot Fijian Massage, or Ashiatsu Floor, brings the many benefits of traditional Ashiatsu performed using overhead bars TO THE FLOOR.

Your clients receive and experience the same therapeutic benefits from Ashiatsu Floor as they would from Ashiatsu Bar. You can perform full body Ashiatsu massage both seated and standing utilizing a seat and cane to support and assist the movement of your body as you massage client’s with your feet. Ashiatsu allows you to strengthen your body and improve your posture while providing clients with deep muscle tension relief and relaxation. The pressure is applied using the entire sole of the foot. The heel, arch, ball of the foot, outer and inner edges of the foot, and the toes. When it comes to massage, the feet are like larger stronger hands. Because of the large size of the feet, deep pressure is more comfortable for clients and they experience less or no discomfort and pain compared to deep tissue techniques performed using the hands, knuckles, forearms and elbows. The more comfortable deep pressure with Ashiatsu leads to longer lasting results for clients.


The pressure you apply can be as light as Swedish massage or the deepest pressure you could ever apply.


Fijian Massage is a great option for an Ashiatsu practitioner who can't or doesn't want to install Ashiatsu bars into the ceiling or walls. Barefoot Fijian Massage is also very easy to travel with making it a great technique for your mobile massage business. A therapist can perform Fijian Massage at events such as fundraisers, road races, and other large events making it great for marketing Ashiatsu. At these events it really stands out amongst other therapists performing traditional upper limb massage techniques.

Barefoot Trainer’s Ashiatsu® offers both live and eLearning Ashiatsu Floor courses. These courses teach and cover everything from its history and marketing methods to proper movement, body mechanics, how to warm your feet and more. You’ll learn how to do both seated and standing full body Ashiatsu Floor massages.


More importantly, you’re going to learn how to do these full body routines and experience absolutely ZERO fatigue and ZERO wear & tear on your body.


And this is true no matter how many massages you are doing in a day, week, month, year, and over your ENTIRE CAREER.

Standing Ashiatsu Floor strokes are performed using one foot to massage the client and the other foot is standing on the floor.

The Level 1 - Ashiatsu Floor programs teach full body seated Ashiatsu Floor techniques and Level 2 programs teach full body standing techniques using a cane as the balancing tool.

Students who follow take and follow these programs will be able to perform a flowing full body Ashiatsu massage with no wear and tear on the body. Proper and improper body mechanics are taught and practiced for each stroke as well as how to transition from one stroke to the other.

Topics Covered:
• CEU’s, Certification, & Web Directory Listing
• Origins and History of Ashiatsu
• Foot Care & Self-Care for Ashiatsu
Ashiatsu Massage Contraindications
Ashiatsu Massage Benefits - Therapist
Ashiatsu Massage Benefits - Client
• Recommended Ashiatsu Floor Equipment & Supplies•
• Best Ashiatsu Lubricant - Creams, Oils, Lotions
• Client Draping
• Keys to Proper Seated & Standing Ashiatsu Body Mechanics
Ashiatsu Marketing
• Ashiatu Definitions
Ashiatsu massage application and practice. Students practice Ashiatsu on each other in class.
• & more…

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